I love lasagna. Cheesy meaty goodness can never be over stated. However, doing it wheat and gluten-free has been a struggle. I was at NewSeasons Market today, and found a gluten and wheat free lasagna noodle and thought I'd give it a try. To change it up, I decided to do them in individual servings using a muffin pan.
They came out tasting great, but didn't hold together real well. I think more sauce may have been what it took to make it hold better.
If you can't find the gluten free noodles, you can buy a roll of pre-made polenta and thinly slice it. Polenta is frequently used as a substitute for pasta, and would be great here.
Give it a try, the flovor was great, and the fun change with the serving had the wife and kids raving. The recipe can be found here.