Kickstarter Food! - The Pie Spot

I was at the Feast Oregon Grand Tasting yesterday (and will post more later on that topic and the great things I tasted), and met the Ladies responsible for The Pie Spot.  They have a KickStarter campaign that is about to run out, and I'd love if my readers could help them meet their funding goals.

Their story is on their KickStarter page, so I won't tell it here, but I can tell you that I was impressed by their offerings at The Grand Tasting.  They brought a Marion Berry pie, and the amazing Chocolate Hazelnut.  The Chocolate Hazelnut was messy but delicious, with chocolate chipts that were distinct enough to stay suspended in the brown-sugar and corn syrup filling without melting together and becoming a gooey mess.  Think a pecan-pie, with hazelnuts and chocolate chips rather than pecans.  Easily the best desert of the day, even considering the presence of Salt & Straw at the event.

Lets see if we can help these folks out with getting their store-front open!  

Dinner Time - Sweet Chorizo Quiche in Masa crust

After the tamale pies turned out so well, I started thinking about other places I could substitute the Masa crust I used in them for flour based crusts, and Quiche was my first thought.  I love a good manly quiche.  Pork fat makes it seem better to me than veggies, so that's the direction I tend to go.  Since I tend to think of Masa as a south-west ingredient, I went that direction with the ingredients for this quiche.  It has a great combination of sweet and savory due to the combination of spice in the sausage and the sweetness of the condensed milk.


1 1/2 cups Masa Harina flour

3/4 cup Chicken Broth

1/3 cup corn oil



1 lb Chorizo sausage

2 tbs. Masa Harina

1 cup shredded Sharp cheddar cheese

1/2 cup Cojita cheese

2 eggs

1 can sweetened condensed milk



1. Preheat oven to 350

2.  Combine ingredients for crust, mixing thouroughly until dough holds together.  Cover and set aside.

3.  Brown Chorizo in skillet.  Add Masa until it all is coating the sausage.

4.  Press dough into deep pie pan, ensuring it is even across bottom and around sides (1/4 to 1/3 inch thick)

5.  Add sausage to unbaked crust.

6.  Add cheese over meat

7.  Combine eggs and milk, pour over cheese

8.  Bake at 350 for 45-50 minutes, until knife to center comes out clean.

9.  Remove from oven and let sit for 5-10 minutes to set

Dinner Time - Gluten free Mini Tamale Pies

OK, before all my mexican-american friends start yelling at me, I know this only bears a passing resemblance to a tamale.  I didn't come up with the name or the recipe, I found it here, and you can complain to them!  

That being said, these came out amazingly good.  The dough was a little dry, could probably use a bit more chicken broth next time.  The flavor was amazing, and the fact that they are so nicely self contained means I can do smaller versions for appetizers, or larger ones in a big muffin tin for larger portions.  The crust is so good I think it will work as a way for me to do quiches in the future as well.  An amazing new slice of FatBoyHeaven!

As you will notice, the site has some new sponsers over on the right hand side.  Please take a look at what they have to offer.  I would love for them to think this little site is worth sticking around on.