The folks at VOXOA had a great idea in 2012 that led to the formation of a company in 2013. Their desire was to be able to use their favorite over-ear headphones wirelessly instead of having to spend a fortune on a second pair of Bluetooth headphones (which back in 2012 were usually overpriced and sub-par in quality).
In December of 2014 they decided that rather than looking for investors who would want a portion of the company, they would seek funding via Kickstarter. 673 backers and $50,237 later they had what they needed to move forward with tooling, production, and testing.
Packaging is well assembled but pretty spartan.
"Designed in California, Backed by Kickstarter, Assembled in China, Made for you"
Compact and easy to attach to any pair of quality headphones
The BTunes adapter attaches to the Munitio Pro40 Studio headphones without adding much to the size or weight.
I used the BTunes adapter with my two favorite pair of wired headphones: the Munitio Pro40s and V-Moda CrossFade LP2 Custom. Setup was simple, it just plugs in to the bottom of your headphones where the wire would, and pairs quickly with your device.
The BTunes attached to my Custom CrossFade LP2 headphones from V-Moda. My all time favorite headphones.
Sound quality largely depends on the headphones you are using, but with the high end models I used sound quality was exceptional. I've used lots of Bluetooth headphones over the last few years, from Beats to Motorola, and none of them come close to being able to reproduce the soundstage that I get from my LP2s. Being able to make them wireless without any noticeable loss in sound quality is awesome.
If you are looking to lose the wires and already have high end headphones there is no better investment than the BTunes adapter. At just $79 for a limited time it is worth far far more. You can find them online at theBtunes.