Memorial Day Special Treat: Preview of the first 8 songs from Miranda Lambert's upcoming album "Platinum"

As those of you that know me are aware, one of the first things I started reviewing online was music.  I still listen to and write about music quite a bit, and was just passed a link to this preview of Miranda Lambert's upcoming album.  Have a safe Memorial Day, and please remember to take time to keep our men and women in uniform, and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom in your thoughts and prayers as you spend time with family and friends.

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Miranda Lambert,

Miranda Lambert videos

CES 2014: Sphero announce newest addition to line of smartphone controlled robots

Sphero today announced the upcoming release of their newest connected toy, the Sphero 2B.  Sporting dual wheels instead of their previous ball, the newest addition should add some great new games and features to their ever growing catalog of interactive toys.  Check out the video and information below for more details.


Sphero 2B: The newest addition to the Sphero family of connected toys | Sphero Robot Ball:



Kindle Fire review coming tomorrow!

OK folks, our first try at how this format will work is coming tomorrow.  Our review will include not only my take, but perspectives from the wife and kids.  I can't wait to get the ball rolling, but don't have much choice.  Someday we'll be big enough that I get devices pre-release instead of waiting for normal shipping.

Also look for a case roundup, I have 4 or 5 coming along with the Kindle Fire.

Working on the business plan while I update the shipping status on every few minutes.


Stay tuned!