They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so these are worth a few days worth of writing I guess. Some great stuff this month, and some things that will be going to the kids too. Have a look, and make sure to subscribe to these great services if you like what you see.
Stop the woman from yelling...a Kickstarted relationship saver coming your way
I came across a simple yet elegant Kickstarter project today that is going to save a lot of relationships if we can all get on board and support it and get orders placed.
Adam Raby was brushing his teeth one day when he stabbed himself in the gums with a stray beard trimming that had fallen into his toothbrush. It led him to launch this project. A specially coated cloth with suction cups at two corners which attach to your mirror to keep it above the items on your counter.
A simple easy solution and it will keep mama happy. Not a bad plan, and it will keep us all living in Fat Boy Heaven.
No Shave November is upon us, do you REALLY know how to shave?
What is it about these simple pieces of metal that scare guys away from shaving the way their grandfathers did?
This time of year hundreds of thousands of men will shave clean on November 1st and then forgo the razor for the rest of the month, either in pursuit of fundraising for numerous charities (most notably colon cancer) or out of corporate laziness. However the key is a clean and close shave at the start of the month, and it is the small things that make the difference in a good shave.
A while back I posted about receiving my starter kit from Wet Shave Club. There is something refreshing about taking the time to do things the old fashioned way. Over the years somehow we have gotten to five bladed disposable razors and dozens of different shaving creme formulas purporting to cater to every possible skin type at often insane prices. However my grandfather and yours managed to get close and clean shaves every morning using a double-edged safety razor, a puck of shaving soap and a brush. Shaving is becoming a lost art, but it doesn't need to be.
Here is how to shave the way our grandfathers did:
Step One: Use a new clean blade every three days or so
Step Two: Prep your shaving brush by soaking it in warm water to soften the bristles
Step Three: Prep your beard. This was often done at barber shops by placing a hot towel over the face to soften up the beard, but in my experience nothing beats a hot shower to soften up your hair and get it ready to come off.
Step Four: Build a lather with your brush. Start with as little water as you can and add water as needed to get lather to desired consistency.
Step Five: Apply lather to beard. Dab on, brushing with the grain.
Step Six: Put razor to face! Start with handle parallel to floor and then slightly drop end down until the blade just starts to grab hair. Apply as little pressure as possible, letting the razor do the work unlike disposable razors. Make sure you shave with the grain of your beard to avoid ingrown hairs.
It could take two or three passes to get a nice clean shave, but it is a beautiful thing.
Review: Wet Shave Club
There have been a ton of changes to the way men shave over the years, and there have been hundreds of patents filed trying to make a better and more expensive razor blade. In the last year a couple of companies have tried to fight the tide of rising prices by introducing shave clubs, most notably I came across Wet Shave Club and was intrigued by their idea. Instead of reinventing the razor blade, their idea is to bring shaving back to its roots.
In 1880 the first safety razor was patented, for the first time putting a safety comb over the top of the blade to prevent accidental cuts. Wet Shave Club said "Double edged razor blades are just pennies a piece and available world wide, why not start a shave club that uses that instead of fighting it?" and they are onto something.
The Wet Shave Club starter pack includes a safety razor, blades, shaving brush, shaving soap, and astringent to help with nicks.
Here's how it works. For $29.95 a month you get a starter kit (pictured above) which includes a safety razor, blades, shaving brush, shaving soap, and astringent sticks. The starter kit also includes shaving instructions for those who have never shaved with a brush and safety razor before. After that you get a box delivered every month with an assortment of shaving soaps, blades, after shave, and other shaving products.
If you are tired of spending way too much on razors and looking to get back to an easier and better shaving experience, give Wet Shave Club a try.