Around the start of every year I get hit with new planners and organizers promising to be just what the world needs to help them achieve their goals and dreams in the new year. Some of them last, some of them make just enough of a splash to get funded on Kickstarter and ship in time for people to have them by January. Most of them end up being cast aside by March in favor of peoples favorite apps on their phones or old standbys like Franklin Covey or good old Molskine notebooks.
Read moreI think I found the perfect pen
Daga's Pen・Vise feels great in the hand and looks great doing it
I write a lot, and like most writers I have favorite writing utensils. I have a favorite pencil (Black Wing Palomino) that I carry everywhere in a bullet pencil. That pencil is always in my pocket, and a second one is always in my planner. When it comes to pens my tastes change sometimes because sometimes there are variables that make one pen better for a project than another. Sometimes I need a fine point for delicate script so I use a Pilot rollerball V2 or V5. Sometimes I need something that will dry really quickly so I need something like a Fisher Space Pen or Sharpie Liquid Pencil. I've spent a long time looking for the perfect everyday pen. I like a pen with a decent sized barrel so my fingers don't cramp if I'm writing for a long time. Something with some weight, but not too heavy. The problem has always been that I would find a pen I liked the feel of but the refills it held were ink that I hated; it would take too long to dry, or be an off color (not all black pens are created equal my friends), or would feel weird on the paper. This week I think I finally found the perfect pen.
Read moreHow many Bluetooth devices does one man need?
Over the last few weeks I've started to write this article quite a few times and then have to wait when another new bluetooth audio device shows up for me to review. From tabletop speakers to truly wireless earbuds, and over-ear headphones to ultra-portable speakers. We've received devices at every price point and quality level. $250 on ear headphones from European manufacturers that launched via Indigogo and $70 special edition travel speaker sets from newly established powerhouse Anker.
Read moreTake a break from your digital leash and be present with your date or family thanks to new Kickstarter project
The Hiatus Box - holds 10 smartphones and cuts off their signal completely
How many times have you been at dinner with your partner or family and spent more time looking at the phone screen than the person across the table from you.
Hiatus Box wants to serve as a playful yet functional reminder for us to take time to unplug and stay focused on life. A timer and magnetic sidelocks built into the lid mean you can set a time limit to ensure uninterrupted time with those you love. Rewards are fairly easy to earn.
Remember last month when I said it was a big year?
I'm lying awake tonight, and as tired as I am after a full day working at The Pantry unloading trucks, stocking shelves, and then doing the other hundred things my father-in-law Alden and Mother-in-law Linda do there while they spent the bulk of their day at the hospital I'm not sure as we near two if sleep is possible tonight.
In about five hours my Father-in-law will enter a surgical OR for a valve and aortic replacement. The surgeon will literally be replacing nearly a quarter of his heart! This is major surgery, especially for a 75yo with long history of heart problems. Ever since the aneurysm that necessitates this procedure was found six weeks ago as both a church body and a family we have been praying that God's will be done to heal him. All along we have felt reminded by the Spirit that sometimes God uses the hands of skilled surgeons in that healing.
So here we are: In three hours the rest of the family will get Alden checked in while I am home praying and getting ready to go back into the Pantry to make sure that things continue to run smoothly there while waiting for news from that hospital 12 miles away.
I spoke to Dad tonight for the last time before surgery and he fealt at peace with the surgery moving forward. The entire family is concerned, obviously at different levels.
My feelings are hard to describe as I lay here writing this. You see, a little over 13 years ago my father went in for open heart surgery. 30 days later we had lost him. Part of me really wants to be at that hospital to support my wife and her family, but a big part of me feels guilty that I'm glad I don't have to face that tortuous wait again, because I know I'll spend most of it thinking of my Dad.
I know this is all in Gods hands. I know the only practical solution is for me to rest and be ready to fill Alden's shoes at the pantry for the next few weeks while he recovers, especially tomorrow while everyone is adjusting to his absence. Now if I could get my body to cooperate.
If it comes to mind between 7:00am and 12:00pm PDT your prayers and positive thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Five years ago the world almost ended - Big Drew's View
Five years ago today Carrie came home from a doctor's appointment and said she needed to talk to me. Those who have known me all of my life know I've been in some scary places, but I didn't know what fear felt like until my wife told me she had cancer that afternoon. I didn't know what to do, but a song from my youth popped into my head, and it's lyrics never felt more appropriate. Petra had a song in the late 1980s called "Get on your knees and fight like a man", and never did those lyrics make more sense than that night.
Somehow we made it through Christmas without telling the kids ( I can't remember how we managed that), through our individual breakdowns with family and friends. We made it through the doctors appointments and surgery the same way we have made it through everything else life has thrown at us: together by the Grace of God.
When you are facing the ultimate test of faith and grace you learn a lot about yourself and those around you. I learned two things. First, I married Wonder Woman. She beat cancer and came out the other side deciding to run marathons and finish college while still working full-time and not missing a beat. The second thing I learned is that I don't know who I would be without her in my life, but I know it would be far less than I am.
Carrie completing a half marathon the summer after her cancer surgery.
In a few weeks she will be "Officially" Cancer Free, and we will celebrate with joy. But this Christmas I wanted to make sure to that the world knew how thankful I was for the only gift I'll ever need: my beautiful wife.
Carrie, the kids, and I this Thanksgiving
Review: Wet Shave Club
There have been a ton of changes to the way men shave over the years, and there have been hundreds of patents filed trying to make a better and more expensive razor blade. In the last year a couple of companies have tried to fight the tide of rising prices by introducing shave clubs, most notably I came across Wet Shave Club and was intrigued by their idea. Instead of reinventing the razor blade, their idea is to bring shaving back to its roots.
In 1880 the first safety razor was patented, for the first time putting a safety comb over the top of the blade to prevent accidental cuts. Wet Shave Club said "Double edged razor blades are just pennies a piece and available world wide, why not start a shave club that uses that instead of fighting it?" and they are onto something.
The Wet Shave Club starter pack includes a safety razor, blades, shaving brush, shaving soap, and astringent to help with nicks.
Here's how it works. For $29.95 a month you get a starter kit (pictured above) which includes a safety razor, blades, shaving brush, shaving soap, and astringent sticks. The starter kit also includes shaving instructions for those who have never shaved with a brush and safety razor before. After that you get a box delivered every month with an assortment of shaving soaps, blades, after shave, and other shaving products.
If you are tired of spending way too much on razors and looking to get back to an easier and better shaving experience, give Wet Shave Club a try.
The NEW Fat Boy Heaven
Our new logo
As many of you know, for the last several years we have been running two separate web properties, this site and a technology site called which featured my gadget and technology reviews as well as my family's take on various technology products. In recent months it has become clear that the best path to take from a marketing standpoint would be to concentrate on building a single brand, and combining the content. What this means for most of you is that in addition to all of the great food and beverage content you have already enjoyed, you will be getting technology reviews and our observations on life and lifestyle products. We hope you enjoy the changes.